
Is it possible to take turns in person?

No, all shifts are recorded in absentia and systematically, and it is not possible to register shifts in person.


2- Is this the first time I intend to go to the clinic to register for an appointment on the same day?

It is better to take turns at least 1 to 4 weeks before the desired time through the introduced ways.


٣ - How can I find out when I am in the office?

Noita's attendance time will be texted to you one day before your turn.


4- Is the attendance time the time when the doctor visits?

No, the time of the text message is for you to be at your office and reception, not to see a doctor.


5 - Is it possible to visit online with a doctor?

No, due to the large number of clients, the need for careful diagnosis and proper communication with patients, we do not prefer online visits.


6- Should the patient's spouse (sir) be present at the visit?

No, it is not necessary for the gentleman to be present, but all of his laboratory and medical records must be provided to prescribe the necessary tests and medications.


دارم - I have an ultrasound appointment for the second day of menstruation and today I have spotting, is today also one of the menstrual days?

No, menstrual days should be counted from the day the bleeding started.


٨ - In what cases should you go to the hospital emergency room?

In the case of pregnant women, if you have any of the danger signs such as: reduced or stopped fetal movements, bleeding, watery or ruptured bladder, pain or uterine contractions, fever, headache, blurred vision, high blood pressure Women who have had an ovulation: If you have symptoms such as fever and chills, severe abdominal and pelvic pain, sudden weight gain, decreased or darkened urine, shortness of breath, fungal and vaginal discharge Women who have had a fetal transplant: Vaginal bleeding if you have severe abdominal and pelvic pain


2. What are the names of the hospitals and centers where the doctor performs IVF and IUI?

- Samar Infertility Clinic

Ghadir Mother and Child Hospital, Shiraz

- Dena Hospital

- Shiraz Infertility Treatment Center


10. What are the names of the hospitals where the doctor performs natural childbirth, cesarean section and gynecological surgeries?

Ghadir Mother and Child Hospital

- Dena Hospital

- Pars Hospital

- Ardibusht Hospital


11- Is cesarean section performed by the person of his choice and without having medical reasons?

No, elective cesarean section is not possible according to national guidelines and directives on maternal health


12 - What does spotting mean after IUI and IVF?

Spotting after IUI and IVF can also be due to embryo implantation and a sign of successful surgery, or it can be due to the onset of the menstrual cycle and a sign of surgery failure. Sometimes it is a sign of threatened abortion. It is definitely up to the specialist doctor to diagnose any of these cases and take the necessary measures.


13 - How long after IUI and IVF should a blood test be done to diagnose pregnancy?

In the case of IVF, blood tests are performed twice, on days 16 and 2 after embryo transfer. In the case of IUI, a blood test is recommended 15 to 7 days after the IUI.


14 - Is the home pregnancy test (baby check) valid?

No, home tests have a percentage of error and are not valid for decision making.


15 - Azo sperm (a man who does not have sperm in his semen) has a cure?

It depends on the cause of the azoospermia, whether it is due to obstruction in the duct or other causes. Some cases of azoospermia can be treated by a urologist.


16 - According to my tests, is there any hope for me to get pregnant?

To answer your question, we need to thoroughly review your and your spouse's fertility and health history, so in addition to seeing your and your spouse's test results, we need a face-to-face meeting as well as a discussion and presentation of suggestions and options. Therefore, in order to comment on whether it is possible for you to become pregnant or not, you must visit to be examined in your presence.
